domingo, janeiro 07, 2007

Fotos das Janeiras

Grupo de S. Paio de Cima

Grupo do Lugar de Guilheta

Grupo do Lugar de Belinho e Lugar da Estrada.

10 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Emptiness: described as an elusive and disturbing feeling of numbness, inability to feel anything emotionally, or not having any purpose.

Manuela Cunha disse...

Isso está mau por aí... Muitas nubelosas..
No ic1 está-se melhor!!!

Anónimo disse...

Epiphany: a sudden realisation or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something.

Anónimo disse...

Panic is the primal urge to run and hide in the face of imminent disaster. It is a sudden fear which dominates or replaces thinking and often affects groups of people

Anónimo disse...

Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment

Manuela Cunha disse...

isto vem mesmo a calhar...e eu que ando a tirar um curso de iglÊs!!!
Obrigada Ic14

Anónimo disse...

Concert band, also called wind band, symphonic band, symphonic winds, wind orchestra, wind symphony, or wind ensemble, is a performing ensemble consisting of several members of the woodwind instrument family, brass instrument family and percussion instrument family. Its various repertoire include original wind compositions, arranged classical items, light music, and popular tunes. Though the instrumentation is similar, it is distinguished from the marching band in that its primary function is as a concert ensemble. The repertoire for a concert band may, however, contain marches.

Anónimo disse...

Dictionary is a list of words with their definitions, a list of characters with their glyphs, or a list of words with corresponding words in other languages. In a few languages, words can appear in many different forms, but only the lemma form appears as the main word or headword in most dictionaries. Many dictionaries also provide pronunciation information; grammatical information; word derivations, histories, or etymologies; illustrations; usage guidance; and examples in phrases or sentences. Dictionaries are most commonly found in the form of a book. Some dictionaries are also found in electronic portable handheld devices. Most dictionaries are produced by lexicographers.

Manuela Cunha disse...

Oh estou triste :(
O ic14 já não é ic14 é "pontinhos"
Isto é muito fixe Márcia...porque se precisarmos de traduzir qualquer coisa, basta efectuarmos o pedido aqui e não precisamos de procurar nos dicionários de línguas!!

Manuela Cunha disse...

O meu amigo "informático" é um espectáculo...já percebi a identidade misteriosa do ic14...não tem tido computador coitado para escrever.Deixe lá quando voltar ao trabalho manda-nos mais uns sinónimos.